Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Illegal caravan heads our way

Like a slow swarm of bees we watch the caravan of illegals move across Mexico toward the border with the United States. Now they have a list of demands. No, I’m serious. The group Pueblo sin Fronteras, which means Town Without Borders, demands that we respect their rights as refugees and their right to dignified work. They demand that we open our border because they are “as much citizens as the people of the countries” where they travel.

No, you aren’t.

And that’s the basic point in all of this. Look, I understand Honduras is, well, what President Trump said of some of those third world countries some time back. I’ve been there. Beautiful country from the standpoint of nature but it looks like a landfill. Trash and shanties everywhere. My gosh, you should see the spaghetti of wires wrapped around the utility poles. Obviously there’s nothing resembling a codes department there. The reason it looks like a dump is because it, like many other third world countries, is a corruptocracy. That’s my word, by the way. It ought to be in the dictionary.

This group also has some demands for Central American countries which really nails the problem. They demand an end to political corruption. They demand an end to violence against women and the LGBTQIA community. (Don’t ask me what all those letters stand for.) They demand an end to failures for victims of domestic violence, extortion, threats, and homophobia. They demand an end to corruption between gangs, the police, and the government, and an end to murder with impunity and gang recruitment of youth.

All that’s good stuff. Then why are you coming here? What if these corruptocracies meet your demands? You won’t be there to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You don’t need to march to America, my friends inside Town Without Borders. You need a revolution.

Let me tell you a little story about how we got all this cool stuff in America. Once upon a time we had carved a civilization out of a wilderness. We were pretty much self-sufficient. We had built our own cities, made our own laws, created our own businesses. It then dawned on us that we were paying taxes to a country clear across an ocean yet we had no representation in its parliament. We decided we didn’t want those people telling us what to do. So we took up arms and we fought them for our own country. We won, and we fought over a heckuva lot less than you folks are fighting over down there.

From our end, we need to cut off all aid to any and all of these corruptocracies. Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala receive $750 million in what’s called the Northern Triangle aid package. We buy $4.8 billion worth of goods from Honduras each year. Stop both of those until Honduras cleans up its act. Same for Mexico. Same for El Salvador and Guatemala and any country that keeps its citizens in poverty.

The interesting part is this Northern Triangle aid package is contingent upon their proving that they are improving “human rights, law enforcement, and justice.” If we have a thousand-plus caravan of refugees heading for the United States then apparently they have not improved much of anything.

So, turn the caravan around. Head back to Honduras. Demand change. We’ll help you apply the pressure. And if all else fails, do what we did. Take up arms and take your own country back. Because you don’t have a right to come in here no matter what you’ve been told.

Phil Valentine is the host of the award-winning, nationally syndicated talk radio show, 
The Phil Valentine Show.

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